Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Wozniak and the Apple History Museum, 1984, John Sculley discusses the Apple II, 1988, Apple II: Don’t put off what you can do today, 1986, Apple IIGS: Give your kids the universe, 1986, The Long Strange Saga of Wolfenstein 3D On The Apple IIGS. Rather than have the release of the Apple II delayed for re-engineering of the RF modulator to get that FCC approval, Apple gave the specifications for the RF modulator to Marty Spergel. D'autres langages de programmation, jeux, applications et tout autre logiciel étaient disponibles sur cassettes. L'interface de lecteur de disquettes créée par Steve Wozniak est encore considérée comme une merveille de technologie. The standard memory expansion card comes with 1024K (1Megabyte) RAM. Some of the space below the Monitor was also used for other utilities useful to assembly language programmers. If, for example, you only had two other 4K RAM chips to install and you wanted to display hi-res graphics, you could strap one chip to the lower half of hi-res memory from $2000-$2FFF, and the other to the upper half of hi-res memory from $3000-$3FFF. I still use it in my lab at the University of Toledo–2010. Bonjour à tous, On vient de me passer de la très vielle RAM que je pense venir d'un Apple II . Having an expanded Monitor program in ROM and color graphics were not the only features in the Apple II that attracted people to it. Some from Apple. Memory: came with 64k of RAM expandable to 128k using 80 column card, or several MB using a third party expansion slot. They added the ability to split the screen into different sized windows. Elle ajoutait un clavier numérique et avait une couleur de boîtier différente des autres versions du IIe. Outre son génie pour concevoir un matériel attrayant, Wozniak a déployé des trésors dastuce afin de maintenir les prix les plus bas. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Apple II / II+ 16K RAM Expansion - American Microware Brand - Tested - Working at the best online prices at … La conception ouverte de Wozniak et les slots d'extensions multiples de l'Apple ont permis à une grande variété de périphériques tiers d'augmenter les possibilités de la machine. [3], The row of eight expansion slots was another feature about the Apple II that was a strong selling point. Slot 2 started at $C200, and so on. From $C000 to $C0FF the space was reserved for various soft-switches used to control the display, and various built-in I/O devices, such as the keyboard, paddles, annunciators, and the cassette port. For security, use of Google's reCAPTCHA service is required which is subject to the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. An improved version of this disassembler was included in the Apple II Monitor. Applications, utilities and general purpose software for the Apple II. Whereas the Commodore PET and the Radio Shack TRS-80 could not easily be expanded beyond the 4K they came with, the Apple II from the beginning was designed with expansion in mind. $C030) doesn’t necessarily access it twice. Sorry; information about the actual factory manufacture of the Apple II models is something I don’t have. Apple produisit plus tard son premier Apple II portatif appelé Apple IIc (c pour compact)[2]. En 1987, soit trois ans après le lancement de la famille des Macintosh, la famille Apple II représentait encore pour Apple plus de la moitié de ses bénéfices. The strapping blocks were even designed with the flexibility of allowing blank spots in memory if there were no RAM chips available to fill those spots. The miniassembler allowed you to enter short machine language programs using the standard 6502 mnemonics instead of entering the program byte by byte in the monitor. [7], There never was an official source code listing of Integer BASIC at Apple. De nombreuses images disque de logiciel Apple II sont disponibles librement sur Internet. All Macintosh Models | All 1987 Models | Dynamically Compare This Mac to Others. Les slots d'extensions qui permettaient à n'importe quelle carte de prendre le contrôle du bus ont permis le démarrage d'une industrie indépendante de fabrication de cartes. As a researcher, I started using the Apple II around 1980. Simply put, he took a series of hex bytes, defined them as “opcodes” the way he wanted them to function, and when executing the code used his SWEET 16 interpreter to translate the code into legal 6502 operations. Le nom de code de l'Apple IIc était « Lolly » dans certains documents internes d'avant sa sortie. De nos jours, même un PC tournant sous Microsoft Windows peut émuler les modèles importants de l'Apple II avec un émulateur tel qu'AppleWin (en), en copiant les disques par une liaison série. I should write a history of it all some day, complete with photos. Specially wired strapping blocks attached to the motherboard told the Apple II how much memory was present and where it was. And in a rare case where the reality lived up to the legendary show-man’s hype, it truly was “Revolutionary”. Their agreement allowed M&R to make and sell the RF modulators, while Apple could concentrate on making and selling the Apple II. Cependant, d'autres groupes ont par la suite vendu des "nibble copiers" tels que Copy II plus, Nibbles away, et Locksmith qui contrecarrent de telles restrictions mais obligent pour cela des copies longues, difficiles et souvent peu fiables. souhaitée], qui grâce à leur faible coût, ont permis l'introduction d'ordinateurs dans plusieurs millions de foyers (entamant ainsi les parts de marché d'Apple)[réf. It is one of the seminal inventions of the last 200 years of human history, alongside the lightbulb, telephone, telegraph, airplane and transistor. Apple continua à vendre et soutenir le IIGS jusqu'en 1992-1993, en grande partie à cause de son utilisation dans les écoles. In discussing the memory map on the Apple II, we can refer to pages of memory with a hexadecimal two-digit number for shorthand if we wish. Il y avait également une carte 6809 avec laquelle on pourrait faire tourner OS-9 Level One. Cependant, en raison de sa compacité, l'Apple IIc était limité dans ses extensions. Trouvez apple iic en vente parmi une grande sélection de sur eBay. Naturellement, l'économiseur d'écran fait un peu plus que montrer un écran déformé d'une manière intéressante. Tout programme en mémoire non enregistré était alors effacé. Last seen: 1 day 3 hours ago . But POKE is actually safe to use on soft-switches with a 65C02 CPU because the instruction used only does one access. Wozniak knew from his experience with computers at Hewlett-Packard that computer users would always find something to fill those extra slots, and insisted that they keep the number at eight.[4]. A key for RESET was added, the arrow keys were added just above the right shift key, and the RETURN key was wid- ened. On the Apple-1, it was necessary for the owner to supply a keyboard. RAM2E II (GW4203B) provides the Apple IIe with 8 MB of auxiliary memory and enables double-high-resolution graphics and 80-column text display modes. La partie du nom en « II » était successivement écrite en utilisant une multitude de moyens graphiques et de symboles de ponctuation. This was because when a memory write happens, it first reads the address, and then writes to it. In the case of toggling the speaker, storing would often produce no sound, where as loading would generate a click every time. This project was created on 09/11/2017 and last updated 3 years ago. Avant de programmer un rendez-vous, vérifiez que le fournisseur de services agréé Apple en question propose un service de mise à niveau de la mémoire. [8] Another error involved a FOR – NEXT loop too deeply nested (that is, having a FOR – NEXT loop within another FOR – NEXT loop). I usually verify systems by running some memory and CPU tests, like XPS Apple-Cillin and other general diagnostics. With the $C030 soft-switch for the speaker, reading this address would cause a click on the speaker, but writing to the address would give a slightly different effect. This included code to handle screen text display, as well as the ability to create and handle different sized text windows (that is, make one or more user-defined text spaces within the standard 24 by 40 text screen, which scrolled text only within that space). Cette machine n'a jamais été produite en quantité, mais fraya le chemin de plusieurs des caractéristiques faisant des Apple II un succès. used by the Apple II firmware as an input buffer when using the keyboard from BASIC, or when a program uses any of the firmware input routines. There are 256 pages of memory, each with 256 bytes on a page, making a grand total of 256 x 256 = 65536 bytes of memory (or slots that can hold a number, if you prefer the analogy). Learn how your comment data is processed. Parmi ces clones, deux ont été produits par Apple ou sous licence Apple : il s'agit de "l'apple Dark Vador" de chez Bell & Howell et de l'ITT 2020 de chez ITT. Couleur 1 bit en 560×192, couleur 4 bit en 140×192, Affichage : 24×80 caractères. L'Apple II fut le premier ordinateur que la plupart des gens aient jamais vu : abordable pour des familles de classe moyenne, de petite taille et bénéficiant pour la première fois de logiciels utiles et utilisables par tous, il fut donc le premier ordinateur à se démocratiser. I spent the weekend going through the manual and trying out every function possible. I sat down one night and tried to put it into BASIC. used by the 6502 for internal operations as a “stack.”. Only the Altair 8800 came with just 256 bytes of memory, so we have to account for the entire 64K memory space that the 6502 chip in the Apple II can handle. APPLE MACINTOSH II Si IISi , 16Mo Ram 4go HD SCSI Coprocesseur réseau Adap VGA. Elle supporta le IIe jusqu'en 1996. If you use a read-modify-write instruction like ROR etc, or if you use an indexed addressing mode (which POKE does) then it can generate 2 or more accesses. (Years later Spergel estimated that he had sold about four hundred thousand Sup’R’Mods.) The memory was tested using the Apple II+ dealer diagnostics, and all tested good for both the 16k and the single 4116 memory chip that replaces the one on the motherboard. Therefore, each slot had an additional 2K of ROM space to use, the space from $C800 to $CFFF was switched in for each card when it was being used. C. Apple IIgs Ram Card Examples An unmarked special character was the right square bracket, “]”, accessed by pressing SHIFT-M. I got this ball bouncing around, and I said, “Well, it needs sound,” and I had to add a speaker to the Apple II. Posts: 76 . L'ajout de la carte de langage permettait également l'utilisation de compilateurs Pascal et Fortran 77 d'UCSD, sortis pour Apple à ce moment-là. Dans le cas de l'Apple II, le logiciel émule réellement l'affichage utilisé, ainsi l'écran semblera se contracter pendant que les blocs des textes s'allument et s'éteignent. [9], One problem Apple had to deal with was getting FCC approval for the computer. x Specifications: Processor: 6502 processor running at 1.023 MHz (same as Apple I and II), later IIe's used a 65C02 processor. Il succède à l'Apple I, qui était une machine construite artisanalement et vendue aux amateurs. 6 couleurs en 280x192, couleur 4 bit en 40×48, Affichage : 24×40 caractères. La mémoire des iMac (21,5 po, fin 2015) et iMac (Retina 4K, 21,5 po, fin 2015) ne peut pas être mise à niveau. Testing Ram on apple II Plus. I had designed it in hardware. Having Wozniak’s BASIC language in ROM, available immediately when the power was turned on, made it possible for non-hackers to write programs that used the Apple II color graphics. La carte contrôleur avait très peu de matériel, se fondant sur des boucles de synchronisation logicielle à la place d'utiliser un codage nécessaire. Wozniak included an updated version of his Apple BASIC (known as Integer BASIC) in ROM. Apple II (1977), Apple II+ (1979), Apple IIe (1983), Apple IIc (1984), Apple IIe Enhanced (1984), Apple IIgs (1986) et Apple IIc (1988). | Browse our daily deals for even more savings! Apple programmers refer to these cabinets as “pages” of memory. 8MB Apple II memory expansion card. Often, code on a card would be written to hit this memory location before trying to use it, to be sure it had been disabled from the last card that used that space. (These sizes were determined by the different ways that three RAM chips, either 4K or 16K, could be installed.) Plus tard un lecteur de disquettes 5¼" (13 cm) externe, le Disk II, avec sa carte de contrôleur à brancher dans un des slots de l'ordinateur, a permis un stockage et une récupération des données beaucoup plus commode. Les jeux vidéo ont aussi leur histoire ! Between $F425-$F4FB and $F63D-$F65D could be found a floating-point math package that was not used by Integer BASIC, but was available for BASIC programmers who were astute enough to figure out how it worked. Le contrôleur a également utilisé une forme d'enregistrement de code en groupe (nibbles), qui était plus simple et plus facile à mettre en application logiciellement que le MFM, plus commun. La fin des années 1980 verra aussi naître la fameuse carte Accelerator d'une densité impressionnante, embarquant un 6502 cadencé à 3,58 MHz. L'Apple II avait une architecture principalement 8 bits, et diffère complètement des Apple Macintosh introduits en 1984 (voir la chronologie informatique pour avoir les dates de sortie des modèles de la famille Apple II - l'Apple II de 1977, le II plus, IIe, IIc et IIGS). One of the few errors I am aware of in the Integer interpreter is one involving a single byte. L'Apple II terminera sa longue vie, embarqué dans la gamme Macintosh LC qui accueille un slot permettant d'insérer une carte d'émulation Apple II. Wozniak stated: A lot of features of the Apple II went in because I had designed Breakout for Atari. He worked to combine the terminal and memory functions of the Apple-1 by moving the display into main memory, allowing instant screen changes. ROM assigned to each of the seven peripheral cards, switchable ROM available for each of the seven cards, Append one BASIC program to the end of another, Verify a BASIC program that had been saved on tape (to confirm it was an accurate save), Verify non-program data that had been saved on tape, Relocate assembly language routines to a different location in memory (most would only run in one place in memory), Generate musical tones through the built-in speaker. Because Pixar and the iXxx products are more recent, most of the reminiscing is about Steve Jobs’ later work. Joined: Jun 3 2019 - 21:23 . Le contrôleur vidéo affichait 24 lignes par 40 colonnes de texte en majuscules seulement sur l'écran, avec une sortie vidéo composite NTSC pour l'affichage sur un moniteur, ou sur une télévision par un modulateur HF. The cabinet itself has an address (since computers need addresses for everything), and this one’s address is “00”. Memory Expansion Cards for the Apple IIgs will ONLY work in a IIgs Memory Expansion Slot.
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