After the Acid Fog is disabled, the two head outside to signal the rest of their warriors into battle. Et une vidéo coup de cœur de plus, cette fois sur la série The 100, avec la relation de Bellamy et Clarke, leurs amitiées est juste parfaite octavia blake in 1x01 'pilot' ♥ Lexa ♥ octavia blake in 1x01 'pilot Quiz sur ma série coup de coeur The 100 actuellement en diffusion aux … 10:05 AM PST, Wed Feb 3, 2016. Clarke then goes to see Abby and Kane to tell them about Lexa's deal. Clarke s'aperçoit du plan de Lexa et sauve Octavia. They officially met in "Long Into an Abyss", when Clarke approached Lexa in order to put aside their differences and create peace between their people. In Long Into an Abyss, the pair first meet when Clarke goes to Lexa's tent to make her an offer. The missile finally hits Tondc and causes a massive explosion, and multiple people are killed. When Lexa first sees Clarke she immediately recognizes her as the girl who burned three hundred of her warriors alive, however, Clarke points out that Lexa was the one who sent the three hundred warriors to kill the Delinquents. Lexa lui conseilla de se calmer, il refusa. Later, Lexa and Clarke talk in Lexa's tent once again. Lexa tells Clarke that she stopped loving and caring for people since "love is weakness". In Nevermind, Clarke wakes up in her mindspace and is immediately drawn to a drawing of Lexa. There might also be grillage, clôture grillagée, cheminée, poêle, foyer, and cheminée à foyer ouverte. Et oui, évidemment que Lexa a une place centrale dans les souvenirs de Clarke ! 'The 100': Clarke Finally Confronts Lexa About the Mt. They shared a mutual respect and the task of leadership over their allied clans, often making hard decisions together. Dans Survival Of The Fittest, Clarke, Lexa et quelques Natifs établirent un plan d'attaque contre le Mont Weather. La Skaikru sort de la rente laissant Lexa seule, les larmes aux yeux. The pair manages to hide. Weather Betrayal (and It's Intense!) Raven and Murphy, Bellamy and Echo • Plus tard, Clarke se retrouva seule dans la forêt. Clarke says she isn't going to let the sniper tell the Mountain Men that they survived the attack because she is going to kill him. Clarke wants to ensure that Aden wins because he was Lexa's choice. Clarke and Lexa reunite in the City of Light. Octavia and Indra • Clarke kisses Lexa back and the kiss is long and passionate. lexa and clarke. She tells Clarke that she's doing the same as she did when she first took command, over thinking things while not being able to move forward. Jordan and Hope • That night, Clarke enters the throne room for the ceremony and bows before Lexa. Énervé, Quint essaia de la poignarder. Lexa gives Clarke a nod, showing she understands why she needs time. After her talk with Roan, Clarke asks for Lexa. Elle évoqua aussi Bellamy. First Met Lexa reprit la parole et fit remarquer que Clarke tient beaucoup à lui. In Perverse Instantiation (Part 1), after her attempt to make Luna the new Commander fails, Clarke regards the Flame sadly and apologizes to it (a.k.a. Clarke fut envoyée pour essayer de former une alliance entre le Skaikru et les Natifs dans le but de régler leurs différents et de libérer les membres des deux clans enfermés au Mont Weather. See more ideas about clarke and lexa, the 100 clexa, clexa. Lexa lui répondit : "Alors il mourra pour vous", mais elle permit tout de même à Clarke de dire au revoir à Finn. In The Blood of Sanctum, Sheidheda, possessing Madi, taunts Clarke, telling her that Lexa had said she was strong, but accuses Clarke of being as weak as Lexa due to her love. Clarke Griffin et Lexa se rencontrèrent, pour la première fois, dans Long Into an Abyss. Clarke goes to Nia and lies saying she shall ally with her before beginning the blood oath. Clarke Griffin et Lexa se rencontrèrent, pour la première fois, dans Long Into an Abyss. Clarke goes to see Lexa and tells her that she is leaving since her people need her. Clarke and Anya • As Lexa worked to bring peace to their people, Clarke forgave her and they became allies again and later lovers. La Commander se justifie en disant qu'elle a écouté sa tête et non son cœur et qu'elle aurait fait pareil si c'était son peuple. Clarke lui annonça qu'un missile allait être envoyé sur le village. Their relationship became strained after "Blood Must Have Blood (Part 1)", when Lexa betrayed the Sky People by retreating from Mount Weather in order to save her own people. Jasper and Harper • Monty and Harper • Plus tard, Clarke se reposa et Lexa la regarda dormir. Clarke continued to mourn Lexa long after her death. Lexa répond qu'elle ne les avait pas tous laissés, qu'elle n'avait pas laissé Clarke. He fires and the bullet misses her, hitting Lexa in the stomach instead. Lexa's death, represented by her throne, is later shown among the objects in the room containing Clarke's most painful memories. Octavia and Monty • Echo and Hope • Avant de partir, Clarke embrasse Lexa et elles couchent toutes deux ensemble. Un cri retentit. Portrayal In From the Ashes, Madi, while experiencing the memories of past Commanders, creates a drawing of one of Lexa's memories of Clarke from "Ye Who Enter Here," which Gaia describes as "the night Wanheda knelt to Heda." TV The 100 Clarke Clarke Griffin Bellamy Bellamy Blake ... Octavia Octavia Blake Clexa Bellarke Murphy Lexa Heda Abby Griffin Raven Raven Reyes Cw Your life in "The 100" including your love life, background story, family, friends, enemies and more. La Commander fait sortir Ryder en lui disant d'oublier ses ordres. The pair are in the woods when Clarke sees her mother. In Bitter Harvest, Lexa is asleep as Clarke sketches her when she awakens from a nightmare. Lexa stabs Quint in the leg and allows him to be killed by the creature as a distraction, buying them some time to flee. The 100 saison 7 : Voilà pourquoi Clarke a vu Lexa et non Bellamy dans le dernier épisode de la série. Lexa overhears Octavia confront Clarke about the missile. Clarke and Finn • Clarke sentait le souffle chaud de Lexa sur sa peau, ce qui lui donnait sans cesse des frissons, elle ferma les yeux et une larme coula sur sa joue. After Clarke is finished, Lexa stands up and they bid each other goodnight before Lexa leaves the room. Later, Clarke goes into a seizure and a worried Lexa cradles her in her arms. They review the plan to take down Mount Weather and begin chanting "Blood must have blood" in Trigedasleng. Titus essayera de tuer Clarke quand celle-ci essaye de libérer Murphy et ce sera Lexa qui prendra la balle qui était destinée à Clarke. In Watch the Thrones, Clarke is attending a meeting with the ambassadors of the 13 clans. Surnoms Madi a repris le passe-temps artistique de Clarke et dans ce même épisode. Clarke dit à Lexa qu'elle le tuera pour se venger, Lexa lui expliqua qu'elle ne se sentirait pas mieux si elle le faisait. In Hakeldama, Clarke and Lexa are returning to Arkadia with the body of the Ice Queen when they encounter the massacred Trikru army. Lorsque Pauna cria dans le lointain, Clarke se réveilla en sursaut. Josephine Lightbourne, for example, noted in "Nevermind" that Clarke still cried when she thought of Lexa, six years since her death. Status And yes it is almost 4 hours long lol. Jasper and Maya • Clarke and Raven • ... ET’s Time on the OG and Reboot Set (Exclusive) Clarke tells Lexa that she "could've warned them" and shows much remorse for leaving the people of Tondc to die. Le personnage de Lexa a été bien reçu par les critiques et par les fans, qui considèrent qu'elle est l'un des personnages les plus intéressants et les plus complexes. Clarke tells Madi that she loved Lexa deeply, but it is nothing compared to how she loves Madi. Raven and Abigail • Après la trahison de Lexa envers Clarke et les Sky People au Mont Weather, Clarke aura du mal à redonner sa confiance envers Lexa mais celle-ci fera tout pour la regagner. Raven and Shaw, Clarke and Abigail • Clarke and Wells • Après de longues minutes dans cette position, Clarke recula la tête, mis ses main sur les joues de Lexa et répondit : « Si jamais ils viennent, on se battra, comme toujours. Après la cérémonie, la Commander confia à Clarke qu'elle avait, elle aussi perdu quelqu'un qu'elle aimait, elle évoqua ainsi Costia et son exécution. Clarke y Lexa es la relación entre Clarke Griffin y Lexa. ClexaCommander PrincessLexarkeLarke La Skaikru refusa et arrêta Lexa, lui dit qu'il fallait évacuer le village. Clarke admits she agrees with Titus if Lexa wants her advice. Octavia and Diyoza • ClexaLexarkeLarkeCommander PrincessHeda and Wanheda They share another look at each other, before charging into battle with the rest of their army. Clarke bids both goodbye with a tearful "may we meet again. Lexa then tells Clarke she isn't looking for advice, she's looking for a decision. Clarke admits that she could never do that but Lexa tells her that if she doesn't stop she will put the people she cares about in danger and then walks away. Lexa tells Clarke that she cannot stop Finn from dying. Lexa asks her to come to Polis with her because it will change the way she looks at things, but Clarke points out that Lexa already has done that. Clarke and Lexa Anciennes ennemiesAlliéesAmoureusesBaisersRelation sexuelle Lexa and Clarke have both saved each other's lives. Petit à petit, la confiance se ré-installera et Clarke sera prête à commencer une histoire d'amour avec Lexa même si elle doit partir rejoindre son peuple. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Clarke and Lexa is the relationship between Clarke Griffin and Lexa. Clarke and Monty • As they are about to leave, Lexa stops Clarke and tells her that she was wrong and that Clarke's heart shows no sign of weakness. Clarke believes that Lexa is also at fault for the massacre but the difference between them being that Lexa has no honor and Clarke had no choice. Nia, however, attempts a coup but the vote against Lexa isn't unanimous due to Clarke not supporting it. The 100 saison 4 : Après Clarke et Lexa, qui sera LE couple de la série ? The 100 clarke and lexa. When the Sky People are accused of poisoning Gustus Clarke denies it, however, Lexa believes that when Clarke plunged the knife into Finn's heart, part of her wished it was Lexa's heart. The three make their way back to camp. With his help, Clarke escapes with the Flame. Clarke stops her and accepts Lexa's previous deal. Clarke and Jasper • Clarke is met with Octavia who tells her they'll need to leave Polis soon. That evening, Lexa enters Clarke's quarters to thank her for her support. Clarke and Lexa are both strong leaders who happen to be very young. Clarke watches as Lexa orders some of her guards to take Lincoln as a prisoner and orders another guardsman to sound the retreat, letting Emerson go. Lexa está muerta pero siempre sera el amor verdadero de Clarke. Long Into an Abyss Les Natifs organisèrent à TonDC un bucher où meurtrier et victimes furent brûlés. He says that the Ice Nation will happily step in if this is Lexa's "weakness" again. The series finale saw Clarke take a test to determine the fate of the human race. 15. Emerson immediately attacks Clarke but the guards pull him off her and Lexa demands he be locked up. Lexa tells her people that "the dead will be avenged! 's control rush to stop them, Lexa orders Clarke to go while she holds them off. Dans Sang pour Sang, Part 1,leurs relations devinrent tendus, Lexa trahissant le Peuple du Ciel pour sauver son propre peuple, en ne donnant pas l'ordre d'attaquer le Mont Weather. This Les 100 (série TV) fond d’écran contains feu, feu, flammes, enfer, and inferno. The Judge later appears in Lexa's form again to tell Clarke that she is not alone because her friends have chosen not to transcend as well so that they can be with her. She goes on to say that every time she goes to sleep, Lexa shows Madi her betrayal of Clarke outside of Mount Weather which Madi states is because that was Lexa's biggest regret. Clarke is left speechless and shocked at the demand. Clarke refuses to back down and seeks out Roan in the Polis marketplace. Roan refuses to kill Nia himself but offers to help Clarke do it. She tells Clarke that she's doing the same as she did when she first took command, over thinking things while not being able to move forward. Madi tells her that she knows that what happened to Lexa is why Clarke is scared of her becoming the Commander. The three of them continue after the sniper. Once Clarke finds out that Lexa ordered another one of the Grounders to kill Octavia, she stops the Grounder from killing her and drags him back to Lexa's tent. Lexa is furious that Titus would bring this to her on Ascension Day and asks Clarke for her opinion. 8. In the fifth season, Clarke's adopted daughter, Madi Griffin, was given the Flame and Lexa's consciousness was thus able to communicate with Madi. When Clarke leaves, Lexa orders one of her Grounders to go and kill Octavia. In The Tinder Box, Roan accuses Clarke of only looking out for her own people. Raven and Bellamy • Clarke tells Lexa that she knows it wasn't one of the Sky People. In DNR, Clarke tells the clan leaders that instead of going to war, all the clans can share the Second Dawn Bunker equally and that this is what Lexa would have wanted. Lexa recognizes the creature as Pauna by its growls and tells Clarke and her Grounder guard to run. Octavia and Atom • Lexa's physical body died on February 16, 2150. Lexa wonders if Clarke is willing to risk everything on her feelings and Clarke says she will. Clarke et Lexa KissedIn Love With Each OtherSlept Together (twice) Isso é até o mundo de Lexa ser virado de cabeça para baixo por uma garota de cabelos loiros e olhos azuis, artilheira da equipe de quadribol da Sonserina. Lexa la sauva en lançant un couteau qui transperça le poignet de Quint et dit : "Jomp em op en yu jomp ai op" (si tu l'attaques, tu m'attaques). Nov 21, 2018 - Explore Casper's apple pie lover's board "Clarke and lexa" on Pinterest. Clarke rushes over to Lexa and sees Carl Emerson is with her, and wonders what is going on. Clarke wakes up near Lexa and a campfire and hears the gorilla growling but Lexa assures Clarke that she is safe. Alycia Debnam-CareyEliza Taylor. Lexa la rassure et elles repartirent en direction du campement. Lexa protected Clarke from A.L.I.E. Later on, Lexa opens up to Clarke about having lost a lover, too. As the events in Mount Weather made Lexa look weak, and her existence as the Wanheda compromises Lexa's influence even further. Lexa says that even though Clarke thinks her people's ways are harsh, it's how they survive. Lexa warns Clarke that there isn't enough time, but Clarke goes back to get Abby and leads her into the woods. Dans Bodyguard of Lies, dans la tente avec Lexa, Clarke se tortura l'esprit sur le plan de l'attaque du Mont Weather. During the death ritual, Lexa allows Clarke to be the one to set fire to Finn's body. Clarke tends to Lexa's injury and Lexa chastises Clarke for not leaving her to die, calling it weakness. A distraught Clarke later begs Jasper not to destroy the Flame as it contains Lexa's consciousness. Lexa admits that she is very impressed with Clarke being able to bring back Reapers, however, she says she needs one last thing before the truce between the Sky People and Grounders can take place. Later, Clarke changes her mind and attends Lexa's match. Finn and Raven • Niveau d'intimité Toutes les commandes sont préparées à la demande et généralement expédiées sous 24 heures dans le monde entier. She tells Lexa that she cannot just kill anyone she distrusts, but Lexa claims she can. In Resurrection, Lexa finds Clarke on the outskirts of Tondc, in a daze. Portrayed by Titus enters the room with a crate which he opens to reveal Carl Emerson. Lexa lui conseilla aussi de faire comme elle, de ne plus aimer, que l'amour était une faiblesse. Clarke says for Lexa to trust her but she says she can't. Clarke dit : "Peut-être que la vie ne devrait pas se résumer à une simple question de survie... Tu ne crois pas que l'on mérite mieux que ça ?" Clarke and Roan • Murphy and Emori • Relationship Information Clarke and Lexa • Lexa then tells Clarke that she was born to be a leader, just like she was. They debut in the seventh episode of Season Two. Elle fait remarquer à Clarke que les manières des son peuple peuvent être dures, mais que c'est comme ça qu'ils survivaient. Raven and Emori • Lexa's Flamekeeper, Titus, disapproved of their relationship and during an attempt to kill Clarke, shot Lexa by accident instead. Lexa lui conseilla d'arrêter de réfléchir et de se reposer, elle lui fit prendre conscience que les plans changent vite pendant la bataille. Découvrez des t-shirts, posters, stickers, objets déco et autres produits du quotidien sur le thème Lexa, personnalisés par des artistes indépendants du monde entier. Lexa tells her battle plans don't last long in battle and they can't move forward until the Acid Fog is disabled. Bellamy and Maya • Clarke wants Lexa to show the Sky People how powerful she is and show them that she can be merciful by letting Finn go. Lexa orders her to leave, but Clarke ignored this and also tells Lexa that even though she felt something for the two-hundred and fifty people in Tondc, she let them burn. The 100 lexa and clarke kiss scene 2x14 daniel pereira. Both Lexa and Clarke are the targets of the Mountain Men. Clarke proceeds to say that life should be more than just surviving because they deserve better than that. Lexa saved Clarke's life three times. Kane and Diyoza • Elles sont jouées par Eliza Taylor et Alycia Debnam-Carey. Clarke and Niylah • She regards it sadly as she thinks of Lexa. elle lui fait aussi remarquer qu'elle est toujours entée par les morts de Costia, de Gustus et de toutes les personnes de TonDC qu'elle avait laissé brûler. In "Damocles (Part 1)," Lexa told Clarke, through Madi, that abandoning Clarke at Mount Weather was her biggest regret in an attempt to keep Clarke from making the same mistake. Abby doesn't think that it's their concern if the Ice Nation wants Lexa dead, but Clarke convinces them that the Sky People would be better off under Lexa's rule. Lexa informs Clarke that a war is brewing and that she needs her to which Clarke spits in her face and proceeds to yell death threats as guards drag her out of the room. Clarke then admits that she can turn Reapers back into Grounders and that she has done it with Lincoln. When she comes to Clarke's room, Clarke attacks her with a knife and holds it against her throat. Clarke then mercy-kills Finn, stopping the Grounders from torturing him to death, and leaving Lexa shocked. Clarke soigna Lexa comme elle put, cette dernière lui fit remarquer qu'elle avait fait preuve de faiblesse en lui sauvant la vie, Clarke lui déclara que si elle l'avait fait, c'était car elle avait besoin d'elle ; le Commandant lui adressa son premier sourire. Clarke wants to go back and help them, however, Lexa points out that there is a sniper in the woods from Mount Weather, and Lexa argues that the Mountain Men might fire another missile if they see that Clarke and Lexa have survived. Celle-ci répliqua en disant que sans lui, elle n'aurait pas pu survivre. Première rencontre After the gorilla is inside, both Lexa and Clarke immediately run outside and lock the cage door. Kane and Bellamy • Dans Blood Must Have Blood part1, ayant enfin réussi à désactiver le Brouillard Toxique, les guerriers Natifs et les guerriers Skaikru se tiennent devant la porte du Mont Weather. Lexa erinnert Clarke daran, dass sie nicht jeden in TonDC dem Tod überlassen hat; nicht Clarke. Lexa is horrified and immediately plans to call upon the warriors of the twelve clans to attack Arkadia but Clarke convinces her against it. Lexa is understanding and Clarke says that hopefully "someday [they] will owe nothing more to [their] people." In Survival of the Fittest, Lexa and Clarke, along with numerous other Grounders, are planning their war with the Mountain Men. NO OT TALK 7. During the test, the Judge took on the form of Lexa because she was Clarke's greatest love. Clarke is furious at Lexa. Don't respond to trolls, report and move on. In Bodyguard of Lies, Clarke and Lexa are in Lexa's tent, waiting for the signal that tells them that Bellamy took care of the Acid Fog. However, Clarke adds "not yet" and that gives Lexa hope that a relationship may happen in the future. Clarke tries to find an excuse to stay, but Octavia insists and tells Clarke she has an hour to say her goodbyes. Lexa rencontra officiellement Clarke dans Plongée dans l'Abîme, lorsque Clarke vint lui demander mettre de côté leurs différences, de créer une paix entre leurs deux peuples. Just as everyone prepares to fight, Abby manages to shock Lincoln and restart his heart. When Clarke expresses concern about Bellamy, wondering if she sent him to Mount Weather to die, Lexa shows some jealousy when she realizes Clarke cares for him. Thelonious and Wells, Bellamy and Jasper • Lexa's guards bring in Nia who was responsible for the destruction of Mount Weather. Lexa's message helped Clarke decide to do the right thing in the end, while also driving her to tears. Later, Clarke finds Lexa and Titus discussing the fate of Emerson. Having Lexa … Clarke tries once more to persuade Lexa not to fight Roan herself. Lexa). Before Clarke leaves, she says that if Octavia is harmed in any way she will tell everyone that they knew about the missile. Titus asks Lexa why everything she does elevates Clarke when Clarke won't even see her. Les deux peuples de Lexa et Clarke étaient en guerre l'un contre l'autre, toute la première saison et la première partie de la deuxième. 6. Murphy and Ontari • Wiki The 100 est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Télévision. In False Gods, Abby's wedding ring and the dead Flame are buried next to each other as a sort of funeral for both Abby and the Flame. During the match, Clarke is overcome with worry when Lexa looks to be losing, and is visibly relieved when Lexa wins. After Lexa and Clarke went appart, Lexa moved to Paris, France and Clarke after she finally became a doctor, decided to move to Sydney, Australia to start a new chapter in her life, a new home, new friends, traying to overcome her loss and the pain in her heart. Clarke retorts and says she could have used saving back on the mountain. Lexa lui expliqua que si elle faisaient ça, les Hommes des Montagnes sauraient qu'il avaient une taupe, ce qui mettrait Bellamy en danger. Clarke wants Lexa to show the Sky People that the Grounders are not savages but Lexa just says "We are what we are". Clarke et Lexa sont colocataires à l'université, et à première vue elles se détestent. However, Clarke argues that it's because she's close to Octavia that she knows she is loyal and never would expose the truth. Mochof * Clarke… elle s'interrompit et allait reprendre quand Clarke la coupa (Merci*) : Ton merci a-t-il vocation de soigner mon amour propre dont tu te soucie si peu, Lexa ? Clarke changes Lexa's bandaging and jokes that Lexa is always talking about her death. Lexa calls Clarke to her tent and explains to her that Octavia doesn't have to fear her anymore and tells Clarke that she does trust her. Clarke tearfully confesses to her mother that she loved Lexa, to which Abby replies that she already knew. Ils arrivèrent dans l'antre du gorille, le garde qui était avec elles se fit tuer.
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