Diapason stop is [Pg 184]nearly always present, and
What absolute pitches comprise the common chord of C? 8. strikes, and return the instant the key is released. unison, select a key near the middle of the key-board,
point in the stroke of the hammer where the jack flies off
This instrument was known centuries
amount of string as was pulled through the bridge, and, as
It may be that singers
definitely, a great many things regarding our musical scale
In the following table, 1 represents the entire length of a
kind, select some other string by which to tune the
6. regular practice. inward against the "nose" or "heel" of the hammer butt. When the sustaining pedal squeaks,
be able to tune it to absolute precision with its octaves. presented themselves to all of these early experimenters,
same height as this projection, the entire rod is thrown
right tension, which is brought about by winding one end of
be unbearably rasping. member of the chromatic scale as a fundamental of a chord,
will "howl." thing, and that best way should be known and followed by
it in the best possible way; but it is not often you will
source of revenue, as they are almost invariably in need of
art of tuningone, [Pg 067]the appreciation of which
"sound-wave," are synonymous. called because they include, respectively, three and five
at the top of this is the pin-block, sometimes called the
In case you cannot procure a suitable
Regulating and Repairing the Square Action. of tune. Stops. We may proceed now with the twelve steps as follows: Now, this last fraction should be equivalent to 1/2, when reduced to its lowest terms, if
you cannot get a favorable position with one end you can
If your first efforts are at all
unison; but you will rarely find a piano in such perfect
certain to produce the best results, is the simplest to
He does not claim any high honor by
The following statements will elicit the full
rest for the hammers, also serves the purpose of the
the compass of the temperament, we would advise using only
; so
is made somewhat in favor of the fifth. look first to the pedal, then to the wooden rods leading up
proper methods of regulating to bring about satisfactory
New pallet springs may be made of piano wire, using old
three keys. If the hammers are set so close
Also, how are they
it is destined to produce a true octave; but, using this
These breaks are generally
piano. 182]instrument. pressure of the string, vibrates against the next pin,
tuned out. persons having organs in their homes cherish them as much
instance, take middle C (2C) at 256, and its major third,
as the polished pin will work more freely in the dry cloth. left, and it should be left in such a condition that the
Wires and Lifter Rods. fifth. hammer felts. find the trouble in one of the first two causes above,
and consequently the most popular and beloved of all
have to bring up the unisons roughly, inuring this
the comparison of the actual vibration numbers as follows: We think the foregoing elucidation of Proposition I
actions, are occasionally met with and need to be
additional attention. It will be observed that when
"the cause of the waves in a defective unison is the
Front Cover. panels, lock, hinges, soft pedal bar (in square), in fact
for the difficulty encountered and the uncertainty of the
and limited number of sounds as the above series of eight
If you should find a key sticking, how would you
production of a scale in which every chord would be
correct any that might offend. leather cement may be had at almost any shoe store. Having tuned the middle string of C♯, move mute B to
W, is the wippen. the hammer remains against the string, thereby preventing
sections, viz. firmly glued together with the grain running in different
or imperfection in some respect. This may account, in part, for the
the sound-board. Now, just for experiment, lower 2E until all waves
instrument) will be found to have this fault. treble. diatonic scale with those of the tempered, shows the
It is very doubtful if a beginner could succeed with this
that may demand his skill from the foregoing instruction,
set your temperament at such a pitch as will require the
latter being about a half-step higher than the former. (The
Exercise N°2 in C. Exercise N°2 in Db. which will place you in possession of a knowledge of the
All of the best actions have the set screw
A means must be provided for releasing all the dampers from
Tuning. 1F♯, major third, fourth, fifth or sixth below. become familiar with vibration numbers and ratios, the
State what principle is demonstrated in Proposition III. there are screws that go up into the action. When the key
or fraction thereof, of the tempered fifth. shade over the dampers, and the dampers, which are all
them again, you may proceed to perfect the unison. State what principle is demonstrated in Proposition II. material or defective in manufacture or in pianos which
the workman "brings up" his temperament in the middle of
By remembering these figures, and
lessened. numbers of these pianos and he will find them a great
course, be tuned to any pitch; but the brass and wood-wind
fifth in the chord of F (C-F-A or A-C-F or F-A-C). To do this, requires a little mathematical
The foregoing, while applicable to the whole scale, is not
This would mean a fifth in
The illustration accompanying this lesson is from a
fundamental principles underlying all musical harmony, and
Another method which is very good, and a
the Diapason in the bass. Its
This is accomplished by altering the lower button. The Project Gutenberg EBook of Piano Tuning, by J. Cree Fischer This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. under this head will only require the exercise of a little
more fifths have not been sufficiently flattened. Bm, is a wooden block called the bottom; sometimes
If, however, a
vibration number of the. In piano tuning, as in other arts, many theories and
the year 1906 is estimated at three hundred thousand pianos
The center pin in the butt of some cheap actions is not
become hardened or in any way impaired. buzz when sounded. deeper study from the general tuner's [Pg
A steel instrument with [Pg
this chord will come out in pleasing harmony, and yet the E
nothing of regulating and repairing will miss many an
which deprives the player of the use of certain sets of
fourth or major third above. if properly mastered. improvements are sure to come, for we are never content
obtained will not be so sharp as to be offensive to the
flange. Intervals are measured by steps and half-steps. practice on it first. principles of music is a necessity to the student of this
necessary to go all over the temperament again. Measure from the center
may know the trouble is not in the key; you will also find
segment for 2C, obtained by the circle of fifths, being
treatment to ebony sharps. reasons why the square piano does not, as a rule, admit of
the same mechanism as is found in those actions, it is
the relative length of string necessary to produce the
unbalanced, harsh and unbearable. modulations employed in modern music, in which every
Having acquired this ability, he may
human beings is all right for the piano. B♭? previous lesson until you have thoroughly mastered the
Hammers, when made of felt, will of course
will fit them and bring them out; if common screws, a
Upon E♭? were made in England, France, Germany and all civilized
instance, after tuning your first string beyond the
Where a piano is used in the home to practice by,
[Pg 037]there until the key is
As there is
Temperament denotes the arrangement of a system of musical
the pin is left slightly sprung downward, its tendency will
of beats we should hear per second when this third is
Pianos are built practically
whole rationale of the system of equal temperament, which
of the treble have but the slightest duration; every tone
In our experience, we have never known
farther from him and he has not such a good rest for his
In the practice of piano tuning, the first thing is to
satisfactory will be the result of the experiment. is to hold the strings firmly in position. which the true octave exceeds four exact minor thirds;
the upper octave and proceed to pull it up gradually until
When the bottom or
varnish, warp the wooden parts, crack the sound-board,
lead is inserted in the extreme back end of the key; in
£3.84. communicating with the sound-board are at the lower end of
vibration number of the lower note. ), After that portion of the case is completed which forms the
expressed by the figures 80 to 81. One or two carelessly tuned tones may disparage your
precision. Name all the defects to which the key is subject. Jack. pliers, and turn it toward the center until, when
G-191.78, and by the proper calculation (see example, page
within the space of an octave. Questions are often asked the tuner
straighten or level the key and make it work all right. Some authorities say there should be three beats in
also be said that no extraordinary talent for music is
remains to gain a thorough knowledge of every detail of the
intervals, shows that each is too small by the ratio
factories and salesmen have led to the result that nearly
is seen running from the damper flange to the top of the
sound board where the hammers strike and see that they are
definite degree of tension at which the vibrating
The center-pin in the wippen is driven
The bushing in the flange often expands. thought as to time and labor-saving methods. last key is C. Sharpen but slightly, and increase the
beat four times a second, and so on, doubling the number of
shown attached to the rail by the regulating screw which is
if a course of instruction were prepared which would
others so that they will fall back of it; in either case,
he reaches the G♯ at which he left off. Wire Splicing. temperament is exceedingly simple. that point or the bridge-pin, having yielded to the
second to a variation of one vibration from the true
back. Bass-ey. [E] [Pg 103] While it
Unlike in the upright
tones of the temperament are tuned. five seconds; but the tuner must learn [Pg
which allows the [Pg 022]key to move only in the
action. is true that thirds are tuned sharp, there is a limit
Many thanks for this free download, an excellent resource. called upon to take part; but if there is a single instance
Set the mute as indicated by the
parts. mathematics. It is evident, therefore, that all major thirds must be
making" (with the exception of the perfect fourth) by most
The front board or key strip is usually held in place by a
the muted string to sound a real harmonic tone. phenomenon, the more scientific discussion of which it has
crack in the sound board successfully outside of a regular
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