Senior Consultant for High Level Committee (HLC) for South-South Cooperation, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Training Delivery, UNDP-ITB-2021-031-Engagement of an Organisation to Provide Event Management Services in Karachi, Sindh, 001-ITB-LTA-2021 - Service de Gardiennage, Call for Expression of Interest for Consultants & Mentors on “Support to the Piloting Phase of SDG Impact Accelerator Phase II”, Recrutement d'une Société pour la fourniture et la pose des ouvertures blindées pour le safe haven au PNUD Bangui (RCA), RFQ: Provision and installation of vacuum solar water heaters, LBN-CO-RFQ-46-21Supp Deliv Inst of Chop and Shred, UNFPA/RFQ/KBL/21/01, Purchase Camera and Camera accessories, Ref. UNDP/PN/03/2021 Individual Consultancy Procurement Notice for International Consultant for Assessment of Consequences of Agricultural Incentives (Subsidy) on Biodiversity, Supply and installation of CC Camera System at SIDCHT Rangamati Office, A HUMAN IMPACT ASSESSMENT OF THE IMPACT OF COVID-19 IN MOZAMBIQUE – TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR LOCAL EXPERTS –, IC/UNDP/UNODC/008/2021 - Consultant to Support Strengthen the Disease Surveillance System at the Correctional Health Facility(Re-Advertisement), Local Technical Assistant for Dashoguz province, IC 007/21- Gender Specialist to support in implementation Climate Action for human security in Al Hwaizeh Marshland Project, IC/UNDP/ACHIEVE/028/2021 - LTA for Visual Communications Design Services, for Office and Programme Use, NATIONAL INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANCY- UNDP-GEF MIDTERM REVIEW (MTR) FOR KGALAGADI AND GHANZI DRYLANDS ECOSYSTEM PROJECT, RFP Study on Prizren priorities for the citys rec, SUPPORTING ELECTORAL AUTHORITIES OF MOZAMBIQUE TO ENHANCE THE TRANSPARENCY AND CREDIBILITY OF THE ELECTORAL PROCESS (SEAM) 2018-2021, IC/UNDP/UNRC/027/2021 UN Indonesia’s Socio-Economic Response Plan (SERP) 2021, Facilitating Visit, Board, Search and Seizure Courses in Maldives 2021, RFP-2021-04 Engineering and Design service, National PPG Team leader & Biodiversity/IAS, National Safeguards and Gender Consultant, National Blue Green Economy and Livelihoods Consultant, EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL SUPPORT FOR WOMEN / YOUTH EMPOWERMENT CENTERS IN THE NORTH WEST AND SOUTH WEST REGIONS, International Consultant - NAP formulation - Niger, Individual consultancy - UNODC National Anti-Corruption Consultant - LBN-CO-IC-38-21, UNDP/HHD/ RFP/2021/001 - Strategic Support to a survey of stakeholders and the development of two technical papers to Plan for Access and Delivery in Research & Development of Health Technologies, 3401 PAN 2021 – “Consultor/a en transversalidad de género para la implementación del Sello de Igualdad de Género en el sector público de Panamá”, Evaluation mi-parcours du projet de « renforcement du système de gestion de déchets solides en Haïti (municipalités de Ouanaminthe et de Jérémie) », Proceso No. Features that are currently in Monthly Enterprise Channel need to meet certain release criteria before they are included in a feature update for Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel. 18046-2020: Consultoría para el desarrollo de una estrategia de comunicación integral de la cartera programática de Violencia contra las Mujeres y las Niñas, 18161-2020: Consultoría para revisión de estilo de los estudios multidimensionales de femicidio/feminicidio en América Latina del Programa Regional de la Iniciativa Spotlight. To become familiar with the new features in a monthly feature release of Monthly Enterprise Channel, you can have a representative sample of users in your organization download and start using the new version as soon as it becomes available on the Office CDN. In some cases, a new feature is made available only to a subset of users as the feature is gradually rolled out in Current Channel. Le chalet . Les Oiseaux se cachent pour mourir . We're ranked in the top 10 UK universities by three major national league tables. Voie Sci: 12ème du Top 6. For a list of non-security updates included in a given release of Monthly Enterprise Channel, see Release notes for Microsoft 365 Apps releases. Recrutement d'un Expert International pour Effectuer un diagnostic des secteurs prioritaires pour introduire la médiation comme pratique favorisant la cohésion sociale en Algérie. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Challenge (Social Objectives-Led Volunteer Enterprise Development)”. Also, you can only configure one update channel for a device. Request for Proposal (RFP) for a consultancy service to conduct a review of routine existing data collection tools and supplementary survey manuals from a gender perspective and publish a standard basic data collection tools and supplementary manuals for, Call for Expression of Interest for Individual Consultants for Strengthening the Civilian Oversight of Internal Security Forces Phase III Project, Researcher on Business and Human Rights, Sustaining Peace, and International Trade and Investment (International Consultant), International Consultant OHCHR (ESCR)-COVID-19 Pandemic Response -IC NOTICE/OHCHR ESCR INTRN'L/2020/13. SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA: SDP-2021-002 NAP COSTA RICA PUNTARENAS (CONSULTORÍA PARA LA INTEGRACIÓN EFECTIVA DE ESTRATEGIAS DE ADAPTACIÓN AL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO EN PROCESOS DE PLANIFICACIÓN DE LOS CANTONES DE PARRITA, BUENOS AIRES, OSA Y MONTES DE ORO), Supply and installation Two X-Ray machines to Aden and Mukallah, Yemen, 3366 PAN 2021 "Evaluación Ecológica Rápida (EER) que incluya ecosistemas de manglar, bosque ribereño y bosque de galería en la Zona Especial de Manejo Marino-Costero (ZEMMC) del Sur de la península de Azuero", DEVELOPMENT AND INSTALLATION OF MINING CADASTRE FOR DEVELOPMENT MINERALS SECTOR IN JAMAICA, ITB-003-21 COVID Tests and Viral Transport Medium, LBN-CO-ITB-45-21Rehab of Tikrit Theater North Leb, UNDP-IC-2021-033 Transgender Rights Expert, IC/UNDP/B+HR/032/2021 - Research Specialist for Policy Review, UNDP-SYR-RFQ-008-21 Supply of Hydroponic Barely Un, IC/UNDP/FAIRBIZ/031/2021 - Program Specialist for Promoting Fair Business in ASEAN (FairBiz), Consultant - Country Programme Document (CPD), LBN-CO-ITB-42-21Const of Car Mechanics Ghobairy, Consultant.e national.e pour une étude dans le cadre du 10ème anniversaire du Bureau du HCHD en Tunisie, UNIDO - Call for Expression of Interest - Provision of technical assistance through fostering creativity and innovation to the Lebanese processing Zaatar Sector, RFP-Recrutement d’un cabinet pour un accompagnement de la mise en service des Espaces « Sénégal Services » selon les normes et standards internationaux, ETH2268: Supply of Different ICT Equipments, UNHABITAT - Local Strategic Advisor South Africa, LBN-CO-ITB-41-21Sup-Del-Insta of Medical Equipment, BIH/RFQ-015-21 Procurement and delivery of mount bikes and biking equipment, IC 2021-020 NATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS EXPERT, Video production for handover of COVID-19 materials, RFP-BD-2021-002: Hiring a firm for Deployment, Enhancement & Maintenance of Digital Filing Platform for Supreme Court-a2i, IC - Experts Nationaux dans le cadre de la mise en place d’un Roster d’experts de haut niveau pour l’Assemblée des Représentants du Peuple, IC-010-21 Agricultural Producer Marketing Groups Specialist, RFP-018-IND-2021 - Production of Audio-Video products for the project: Infrastructure for Climate Resilient Growth (ICRG) Programme, RFP-UNDP-ENV-006-2021 - Development of a Project Preparation Grant, Sustainable Employment Opportunities women youth, International Short-Term Legal Expert on France, UNDP-OFRM-RFP-003 Actuarial Valuation Medical (from vendor premises), JOF 2541 PLANOS DESENVOLVIMENTO ZONEAMENTO PORTOS, PNUD/SDP-045/2021 Servicio de diseño, desarrollo e implementación de un sistema de gestión documentaria para la trazabilidad de la información de la DREM Piura, AVISO DE SERVICIO PARA CONSULTOR/A INDIVIDUAL 2021/1232, Consultoría nacional para la contratación de técnicos de soporte junior para implementar y difundir el Plan Nacional de Gestión Integral de Residuos Sólidos Urbanos (PNGIRSU) y el Plan Nacional de Gestión Integral de Residuos Peligrosos (PNGIRP), SDP NRO. Recruitment of International Consultant to Support development of baseline and mainstreaming of financial inclusion for the development of Ghana’s GEF GOLD+ project proposal. To ensure that you have the most up-to-date security and non-security updates, we recommend that you always update to the most current version and build available for your update channel. No over-the-top features, just what you need, when you need it. Kwara state university hnd conversion. Any given version of Monthly Enterprise Channel is supported for two months. PROCESO COL 0000128948 CONSULTORIA INDIVIDUAL Profesional Enlace de Entidad - Nivel 2 – DVR. LE BISTROT DU COIN Sujets Messages Dernier message; Le Bar Venez discuter de divers sujets autour de la table 190 Sujets 34474 Messages Dernier message par … Cosmos - Une odyssée à travers l'univers . Top Boy . Also, many customers have asked us to provide an update channel that doesn’t change often, because changes could require them to do another round of compliance testing. Updates to Monthly Enterprise Channel are released on the second Tuesday of the month. That means the user could have access to different Office features depending on which device they’re using. You can use the Office Deployment Tool and specify the Channel attribute in your configuration file. Welcome to the Center for Learning Experimentation, Application and Research (CLEAR). Non-security updates are cumulative. Une étudiante "majore" le concours ESSEC avec 18,24 de moyenne. If you allow your users to install Office for themselves from the portal, you can specify which update channel they install. Play chess live or against computer. So, before we approve the release of any non-security updates to Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel, we carefully assess the impact of introducing the change to the update channel. Come Home . CFP-001-20: LOT1: Supporting Recovery and Stability in Iraq through Local Development’ (SRS-LD). RFP UNFPA/AFG/RFP/2021/01, Baseline Study and Mapping Exercise for the Spotlight Initiative on Ending Violence Against Women and Girls, Call for Porposal: COVID-19 support to Local Communities Conserved Areas (ICCAs) in Jordan, SUPPLY OF Genuine DAMEN Spare Parts for TUG-BOATS, RFP UNDP HAI 21 006 Carthographie des aleas, ITB - Conservation works at Agios Georgios Church, Provision of Transformers in Two Locations, LBN-CO-ITB-22-21-Haouch Al Rafqa Irrigation Canals - Event ID: 0000008368, RFP-Supreme Council of Ajara Comm Strategy, RFP/002/21 CAPACITY DEVEVELOPMENT FOR INSTITUTIONAL PARTNERS AND BUSINESS SUPPORT ORGANISATIONS IN THE AREA OF DIGITAL ECONOMY - DEADLINE EXTENDED, Re-Advertisement: MNG/IC/2021/005 - National consultant - Knowledge Management and Communications Assistant, RFP 2021-02 : L’élaboration DES PLANS D'OCCUPATION DES PLAGES au niveau du site De trois communes à Djerba dans le cadre du projet « Résilience Côtière ». We recommend Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel only for those select devices in your organization where extensive testing is needed before rolling out new Office features. Features that are currently in Current Channel need to meet certain release criteria before they are included in a feature update for Monthly Enterprise Channel. ITB-052-21 Supply and install PSA Medical Oxygen Generator for Fallujah Teaching Hospital/Fallujah-Anbar Governorate,Iraq. 130/RFQ/GOUDMADA/2021 Sélection d’une Entreprise pour les travaux d’aménagement de Kiosque pour visiteurs de la Cours Suprême sis à Anosy ANTANANARIVO. If needed, non-security updates are provided for Current Channel. Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. Please enter your username and password to login. Non-security updates are usually included with the following releases: Non-security updates can be released at other times. This can help reduce the number of non-security updates that are needed for Current Channel. COL 00000127229 Consultoria Individual, Proceso No. Any given version of Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel (Preview) is supported for only six months. Non-security updates are cumulative. CFP No: AFG-WPS-CFP-002-2020 Call for Proposal for NGOs, Academic Institutions and Registered Community Based Organisations to Support UN Women on Engaging and Elevating Women’s Voices for Peace. There is no set schedule for these updates, but in general there are two or three releases each month, including one on the second Tuesday of the month. If there is a critical issue that needs to be fixed sooner, such as one related to data loss, we will provide an updated release with the fix, instead of waiting for the next scheduled monthly update. 04/2021 “Consultoría de apoyo técnico para el diagnóstico sobre el ejercicio de la medicina legal en contextos de violencia de género”, DEVELOPING DIGITAL AND TECH SOLUTIONS NIGERIA JUBILEE FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMME, National Consultant to Support Post-Elections Lessons Learnt, Mantenimiento y reparación de turbinas y reductores y provisión de repuestos para la Planta Industrial de PETROPAR en la ciudad de Mauricio José Troche, AVISO DE SERVICIO PARA CONSULTOR/A INDIVIDUAL 2021/1237, RFP Design and Supervision - Iliria 9-Year school, Consultant.e national ou international pour la conduite de l’évaluation finale du projet Tarabot, Request for Proposal No. Not all devices in your organization have to be configured with the same update channel. Licitación Pública Internacional Nº 01/2021 “ADQUISICION DE MEDICAMENTOS ANTIRRETROVIRALES”, BIH/RFQ-017-21 Procurement and delivery of construction materialas, electrical equipment and furniture in Mrkonjić Grad Municipality in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Adquisición de Insumos de Laboratorio Biotecnológico para la Planta Industrial de PETROPAR, BIH/RFQ-016-21 Civil works on two tourism infrastructure facilities in two municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, National - Editor-in-Chief for Jousour Newspaper Supplement, ETH2205 National Consultant Data Science Expert, International Team Leader for the reformulation of the GEF, RFP/005-21 Designing and conducting trainings on ICT Skills for Active Citizenry - WiE, RFP 04/21 Revision of the Main conservation design for reconstruction of cultural heritage Španjola Fortress in Herceg Novi, Montenegro, RFQ-019-IND-2021 (Request for quotation for Written Translation and Recorded Human Voice-Over Services in different languages), RFP/BIH30/2021/02254 Provision of Services Related to Organization of the Media Campaign for the “Women in Election in BiH” Project, 250-2021-UNDP-UKR-RFP-e-Services - Services linked to expanding the functionality of the "" portal, Provision of Travel Management Services-UNAgencies, CALL FOR PROPOSALS FOR NGO GRANT COMPETITION, Consultancy - Communication firm to support SDG Localization in Maputo and Cabo Delgado, BIH/RFQ-014-21 Reconstruciton of witness support premisses at the District Court Banja Luka, DIVERS MATERIELS ET EQUIPEMENTS EN 03 LOTS, Full Rehabilitation of Rutba Municipal Asphalt Plant - Rutba City, Anbar Governorate, Iraq, RFP 18293-2021 LTA Consulting Svcs on E-Mobility, IC/00132174/020/2021 - CONSULTOR LOCAL GESTION DE RIESGO Y LA RECUPERACION POST ETA E IOTA. PROCESO COL 0000125754 Contratar la adquisición de materiales de obra para la construcción de los centros comunitarios en el Municipio de Ungia (Chocó) en el marco del proyecto Reparaciones Colectivas y Retornos y Reubicaciones MPTF – PNUD. New, or updated, features for Current Channel usually are released every month. Attention, selon les nouvelles directives du gouvernement français (14/01/2021) : tout déplacement international - depuis l’étranger vers la France et de France vers l’étranger - est totalement et strictement déconseillé jusqu’à nouvel ordre. RFP 006/21 “Technical assistance to RA NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport in conducting of pre and post a post-legislative scrutiny analysis”, RFP-YEM-0008-2021 LTA / National Multimedia & Communication Services, ITB-062-21-Provision of Spare Parts and Repairing, RFQ - Conservation Project Design of a Mosque, ITB-049/21 - Provision of Water to the Center of Qayrawan via RO System-Ninawa Governorate, Iraq, Rehabilitation Al Safena WTP (650m3/hr.)
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